Sensitivity upper limits

This directory contains a set of scripts that prepare and run a pipeline search in a small area in the parameter space around the injected signal.


The scripts require python3. A working solution is to install a python virtual environment (python3 comes with a built-in pyvenv virtual environment software).

Install python3.4.5 locally

Let's assume the installation directory is



mkdir -p ${installdir}; cd ${installdir} 
tar zxvf Python-3.4.5.tgz
cd Python-3.4.5
make clean
./configure --prefix=$(dirname "${PWD}") 
make -j4
make install
cd ../; rm -fr Python-3.4.5*

Create virtual environment

In a selected location (/path/to/venvdir) type

${installdir}/bin/pyvenv venv

Activate the virtual environment

. /path/to/venvdir/bin/activate

(to leave the environment, type deactivate). You can now install specific packages using the pip installer:

pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install pandas

Running the scripts

The steps of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Chose the GW strain amplitude ,
  2. Randomly chose other signal parameters (with signal generator sigen)
  3. Add signal to the data (with the gwdetect-cpu --addsig feature) to selected time segments, and perform the search for candidates in each of them (gwdetect-cpu),
  4. Search for coincidences (coincidences)
  5. Find if the signal was detected (find the highest coincidences for a given band and compare them with the number of time segments analyzed).

The script creates a subdirectory in which the pipeline will be launched based on the following input files: 1. config.ini which contains the paths to codes and the input data, and the parameters of the search: * F-statistic threshold, * how many simulations, * which detectors to use, * size of the region to search, * how to perform the search for coincidences etc.

  1. bandlist which is a list of bands with strain amplitudes, for example:
0164 2.25e-1 
0165 1.5e-1 2e-1 2.5e-1 3e-1
0166 2e-1 4e-1

The call is

% python config.ini bandlist

Two other auxiliary files are: 1. Dummy bash script with the actual pipeline calls (variables replaced with actual values by and renamed to, 2. PBS/Torque script job.sub, launched into the cluster queue and running (modify it to fit other systems, e.g., the slurm scheduler).

Script creates a file which contains commands to send the jobs into the queue. The results are summary files (.sum) for the requested number of simulations. In order to process them, call the script

% python band coincidence_threshold number_of_simulations

for example

% python 0165 0.7 100

The result will be something as follows (columns are band number, amplitude h, upper limit ul):

band h   ul 
0165 0.150 0.61
0165 0.200 0.78
0165 0.250 0.95
0165 0.300 0.99

Serial (stacked) version for longer jobs creates subdirectories and a job_BAND.sub file for a list of amplitudes for BAND from bandlist, stacked one after another (can be handy to send one band as one job to the queue). Call:

% python config.ini bandlist

and then (for e.g., band 0165) send it to the queue

% qsub -N 0165 -v howmany=100 job_0165.sub

The summary of simulations for a given band (0165, say) processed by the result in the following list of h0 amplitudes followed by the corresponding fractions of significant coincidences (N_coin/N):

band h   ul 
0165 0.150 0.61
0165 0.200 0.78
0165 0.250 0.95
0165 0.300 0.99

We are interested in a 95% upper limit i.e. the h0 corresponding to the fraction 0.95 of significant coincidences in the simulation (N_coin/N=0.95). This is obtained by fitting a sigmoid function

def sigmoid(x, x0, k):
     y = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(k*(x0-x)))
     return y

to the above data. Fitting is done by

% python 0165_results 0165 0.01 test.pdf
0165 2.7026e-01

The output is the band number and h0 corresponding to the 95% upper limit. Last command-line option test.pdf is optional. It produces the auxiliary plot, with the 95% upper limit is denoted by red circle:

0165 upper limits