Coincidences between candidates

In order to establish the probability of detection of a real gravitational wave, after finding the candidate signals with the F-statistic candidate signal search, the pipeline searches for coincidences between candidates found in different time frames.

The coincidences code is available at github. To get it, run git clone


The code is written in standard C. The only dependency is GNU Scientific Library (GSL), used to manipulate the Fisher matrix (calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues). GNU struct dirent objects are used to read the directories.

The idea behind coincidences

After finding the candidate signals in different time frames (search), we want to confirm the existence of signals with the same parameters along the span of time segments. to further perform a validation search for high-coincidence, or otherwise interesting candidates (the followup, currently under construction). To do this, the candidates from a list of trigger files (time frames) are read, and for each trigger file

TODO: describe cell shifts (16 different shifts in total: 0101, 0110, 0010 etc. in f, s, d, a directions) and scaling of cells (used to define the linear parameters for a given cell to subsequently compare the candidate values)


Run make coincidences; resulting binary is called coincidences. Modify the Makefile to fit your system.

Full list of switches


% ./coincidences --help 

to obtain the following description:

Switch Description
-data Data directory (default is ./candidates)
-output Output directory (default is ./coinc-results)
-shift Cell shifts in fsda directions (4 digit number, e.g. 0101, default 0000)
-scalef Cell scaling in f direction (a number, e.g. 32, default 1)
-scales Cell scaling in s direction (a number, e.g. 8, default 1)
-scaled Cell scaling in d direction (a number, e.g. 4, default 1)
-scalea Cell scaling in a direction (a number, e.g. 4, default 1)
-refr Reference frame number
-fpo Reference band frequency fpo value
-dt Data sampling time dt (default value: 0.5)
-trigname Part of triggers' name (for identifying files)
-refloc Location of the reference grid.bin and starting_date files
-mincoin Minimal number of coincidences recorded
-narrowdown Narrow-down the frequency band (range [0, 0.5] +- around center)
-snrcutoff Signal-to-noise threshold cutoff (default value: 6)


--help This help


Using the software injection added to 2-day Gaussian noise data segments (see minimal example of the pipeline):

% for s in {0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}; do ./coincidences -data ../../search/network/src-cpu -output . -shift $s -scalef 4 -scales 4 -scaled 4 -scalea 4 -refr 4 -dt 2 -trigname 1234_2 -refloc ../../testdata/2d_0.25/004 -nod 2 -fpo 308.859375 -snrcutoff 5; done 2>> summary

This assumes that for the band and the sampling time the band frequency , because The reference grid file grid.bin, corresponding to the reference frame 004 (-refr 4) is located at the -refloc location. Signal-to-noise ratio cutoff is set to 5 (-snrcutoff 5). Some output is directed to stdin. For example, the output for shift 0000 is

Number of days is 2
The SNR threshold cutoff is 5.000000000000, corresponding to F-statistic value of 14.500000000000
Reading the reference grid.bin at ../../testdata/2d_0.25/004
fftpad from the grid file: 1
Settings dt: 2.000000, oms: 3881.241374
Reference frame number: 4
Cell shifts  in f, s, d, a directions: 0 0 0 0 
Cell scaling in f, s, d, a directions: 4 4 4 4 
Reading triggers... Frame 5: 1966/2040
Reading triggers... Frame 1: 2409/2483
Reading triggers... Frame 4: 2176/2384
Reading triggers... Frame 3: 2132/2247
Reading triggers... Frame 8: 2372/2408
Reading triggers... Frame 2: 2197/2249
Reading triggers... Frame 6: 2225/2305
Reading triggers... Frame 7: 2175/2226
Total number of candidates from all frames: 17652

The highest multiplicity coincidence for each shift is streamed to the summary file via the stderr (2>> summary). From this list of 16 lines, the highest multiplicity coincidence with the highest signal-to-noise is selected (sort -gk5 -gk10 summary | tail -1):

1234_2 1111 308.859375     8     5  9.95663703e-01 -1.10830358e-09 -1.12585347e-01 1.97463002e+00 1.246469e+01 5 2040 1987 1 2483 2419 4 2384 2193 3 2247 2137 8 2408 2363 2 2249 2172 6 2305 2220 7 2226 2191 6 2 8 3 5

This output contains the

Coincidences larger or equal mincoin (default value 3) are recorded in binary files .coi, separately for each shift, in the -output directory. Each coincidence is a set of following numbers: where

in order to recover the information about the original triggers for further studies. .coi files can be read with the auxilary read_coi code:

% gcc -o read_coi read_coi.c -lm 
% ./read_coi 
# num_of_coincidences    mean_val_of_pars (f, s, d, a), snr    frame_num:trigger_num_in_trigger_file
# (see for details)
5 9.956637e-01 -1.108304e-09 -1.125853e-01 1.974630e+00 1.246469e+01 6:777 2:708 8:968 3:701 5:603 
3 9.972902e-01 -1.174760e-10 -1.235594e-01 1.968819e+00 9.154494e+00 8:983 3:693 1:669 

where the pairs frame-number:candidate-position-in-trigger-file have been arranged for readability.