F-statistic candidate signal search

Production serial code for a network of detectors is available at here. OpenMP version is at this location. To get the whole pipeline, run git clone https://github.com/mbejger/polgraw-allsky.git.

Algorithm flowchart

Code flowchart


The code is written in standard C. GNU Scientific Library (GSL) and the FFTW library (version 3.0 or later) are needed to run the code. GNU struct dirent objects are used to read the directories.

Optionally, SLEEF or YEPPP!, libraries for high-performance computing that are optimized for speed are used to evaluate the trigonometric functions in the search code. These libraries are ported with the source code and are located in src/lib. The choice which of these libraries to use has to be made at compilation time by modifying the Makefile.


Run make gwsearch-cpu or make in search/network/src-cpu, resulting binary is called gwsearch-cpu (this is the default C version not-optimized with openMP; for the openMP version see the search/network/src-openmp directory). Modify the Makefile to fit your system. By default the YEPPP! library is selected.

Full list of switches

For the full list of options, type

% ./gwsearch-cpu --help 
Switch Description
-data Data directory (default is .)
-output Output directory (default is ./candidates)
-ident Frame number
-band Band number
-label Custom label for the input and output files
-range Use file with grid range or pulsar position
-getrange Write grid ranges & save fft wisdom & exit (ignore -r)
-cwd Change to directory <dir>
-threshold Threshold for the -statistic (default is 20)
-hemisphere Hemisphere (default is 0 - does both)
-fpo Reference band frequency fpo value
-dt Data sampling time dt (default value: 0.5)
-usedet Use only detectors from string (default is use all available)
-addsig Add signal with parameters from <file>
-narrowdown Narrow-down the frequency band (range [0, 0.5] +- around center)


--whitenoise White Gaussian noise assumed
--nospindown Spindowns neglected
--nocheckpoint State file will not be created (no checkpointing)
--help This help


Minimal call to gwsearch-cpu is as follows (code compiled with the GNUSINCOS option):

% ./gwsearch-cpu -data ../../../testdata/2d_0.25 -dt 2 -output . -ident 001 -band 1234 -nod 2  


Network of detectors

Test data frames with pure Gaussian noise 2-day time segments with sampling time equal to 2s (xdatc_nnn_1234.bin) for two LIGO detectors H1 and L1 are available here.

A sample call is

% LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib/yeppp-1.0.0/binaries/linux/x86_64 ./gwsearch-cpu \
  -data ../../../testdata/2d_0.25/ \
  -ident 001 \
  -band 1234 \
  -dt 2 \ 
  -nod 2 \ 
  -addsig sig1 \  
  -output . \
  -threshold 14.5 \

where the LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the location of the YEPPP! library.

The program will proceed assuming that

Output files

Binary output files, containing trigger candidate events above an arbitrary threshold (option -threshold for the -statistic, default 20), are written to the output_dir directory. There are two output files for every input data sequence: triggers_nnn_bbbb_1.bin and triggers_nnn_bbbb_2.bin, where 1 and 2 correspond to the northern and southern ecliptic hemisphere. Each trigger (candidate) event occupies 40 consecutive bytes (5 double numbers), with the following meaning:

Record no. | --------------------- | ---------------------------- 1 | frequency [radians, between 0 and ] above fpo
2 | spindown []
3 | declination [radians, between and ] 4 | right ascension [radians, between 0 and ] 5 | signal-to-noise ratio

For the example above, the first 10 triggers from triggers_001_1234_2.bin are

3.05617018e+00 -3.42376198e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.06667333e+00 
1.18243015e+00 -3.20762991e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.05528873e+00 
1.08103361e-01 -2.77536578e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.07085254e+00 
1.90022435e+00 -2.77536578e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.15191593e+00 
1.90000217e+00 -2.55923371e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.42638039e+00 
2.09224664e+00 -2.34310165e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.20879551e+00 
2.38731576e+00 -2.12696958e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.31983396e+00 
3.00543165e+00 -1.91083751e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.29454616e+00 
7.49333983e-01 -1.26244131e-08 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.08724856e+00 
2.08710778e-01  3.43510887e-10 -7.68007347e-02 2.59248668e+00 5.17537018e+00 

Auxiliary output files