Fisher matrix calculation
The Fisher matrix associated with the signal model and its inversion is calculated using this code.
The code is written in standard C
and it's mostly based on functions used in search. Arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic Arb library is used to invert the (usually) not-very-well posed Fisher matrix, so it has to be installed beforehand. Arb requires FLINT, MPFR, and either MPIR or GMP.
Run make fisher
in search/network/src-cpu
- resulting binary is called fisher
. Modify the Makefile
(especially the variable ARB_DIR
) to fit your system.
Full list of switches
For the full list of options, type
% ./fisher --help
Switch | Description |
-data | Data directory (default is . ) |
-ident | Frame number |
-band | Band number |
-fpo | Reference band frequency fpo value |
-dt | Data sampling time dt (default value: 0.5 ) |
-usedet | Use only detectors from string (default is use all available ) |
-addsig | Add signal with parameters from <file> |
--help | This help |
Minimal call to fisher
is as follows:
% ./fisher -data 2d_0.25 -ident 001 -band 1234 -usedet H1 -dt 2 -nod 2 -addsig sigfile
is the base directory of input data files (e.g., this Gaussian data),- Sampling time
is , ident
is the number of time frame to be analyzed (),nod
number of days is ,band
is the number of the frequency band (see the input data structure for details).usedet
switch to chose a detector (here )addsig
switch to chose a file with signal data
The sigfile
file consists of 8 numbers:
- frequency [radians, between 0 and ] above
- spindown (frequency time derivative) []
- declination [radians, between and ]
- right ascension [radians, between 0 and ]
- 4 amplitudes
1.431318175386891 -7.9539e-9 0.6363615896875658 4.396884357060633 7.764354801848407e-3 -1.422468474545797e-2 -1.559826840666228e-2 -8.623005535014139e-3
The amplitudes correspond to the signal amplitude model
with being the phase of the signal, and and the amplitude modulation functions (calculated in the modvir function).
Example output
Number of days is 2 Input data directory is 2d_0.25 Frame and band numbers are 1 and 1234 The reference frequency fpo is 308.859375 The data sampling time dt is 2.000000 Adding signal from 'sigfile' Settings - number of detectors: 1 Using H1 IFO as detector #0... 2d_0.25/001/H1/xdatc_001_1234.bin as input time series data Using 2d_0.25/001/H1/DetSSB.bin as detector H1 ephemerids... The Fisher matrix: 1.4602194451385117e+10 9.6224528459395950e+14 1.0472943290223141e+10 1.9109038902196317e+11 -5.6465717962684985e+06 -4.1172082782989331e+06 -2.9517981884375727e+06 7.0470722915177587e+06 9.6224528459395950e+14 6.7134859540063060e+19 6.5156368686556762e+14 1.1289208033400466e+16 -3.3340781322676825e+11 -2.4401458951787103e+11 -1.7381344007331134e+11 4.1673668536337537e+11 1.0472943290223141e+10 6.5156368686556762e+14 8.0545511145922174e+09 1.5540065972734366e+11 -4.6112260504154256e+06 -3.4059196396034071e+06 -2.3414307185722976e+06 5.7018637665277841e+06 1.9109038902196317e+11 1.1289208033400466e+16 1.5540065972734366e+11 3.1204237328935298e+12 -9.2852217833914995e+07 -6.9173973293523684e+07 -4.6213130625602841e+07 1.1410003283718885e+08 -5.6465717962684985e+06 -3.3340781322676825e+11 -4.6112260504154256e+06 -9.2852217833914995e+07 7.6814199126393523e+03 -1.6833193661163169e-03 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 -4.1172082782989331e+06 -2.4401458951787103e+11 -3.4059196396034071e+06 -6.9173973293523684e+07 -1.6833193661163169e-03 1.0351065428550139e+04 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 -2.9517981884375727e+06 -1.7381344007331134e+11 -2.3414307185722976e+06 -4.6213130625602841e+07 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 7.6814199126393523e+03 -1.6833193661163169e-03 7.0470722915177587e+06 4.1673668536337537e+11 5.7018637665277841e+06 1.1410003283718885e+08 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 -1.6833193661163169e-03 1.0351065428550139e+04 Inverting the Fisher matrix... Diagonal elements of the covariance matrix: 2.561275e-04 3.867944e-18 2.363103e-03 9.137957e-04 1.343874e+05 4.107046e+04 3.329715e+04 1.117611e+05